domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010



We look at the scenery, mountains, trees and vineyards. Everything seems
static, we feel, wrong, everything is there from always immovable. But, quietly,
the planet reminds us that is alive with movement of the tectonic de plates,
displacing the South American plate westward in their away trip of no return
Africa. And suddenly there appears the first shock and with this and
following the world we knew, in a few seconds it changes, houses
collapsed, trees derribados, unused infrastructure cracks
huge open up new lands in the hills and creating
new depressions behind it hundreds, perhaps thousands of people see
truncated their future, their dreams, death suddenly.

This has happened in Chile, with the huge bond that unites uss
cultural, share the same language and tradition in wine
proof is that today we can find wines
Chilean anywhere in the world. It also ties us together
personal, and the colony of La Rioja and their descendantsentities that
living in Chile is the second largest in the world, second only
by those living in Argentina.

WINE GRAPE ARAR sympathizes with the tragedy of the Chilean people and their
surfers who follow this blog from Chile (rank seventh
particular place in our ranking of visits by country), the
we want that have not irreparably damaged.

To give us an idea of the magnitude of the earthquake (8.8 degrees on the Richter scale), as measured by NASA the earthquake has displaced hundreds of kilometers of rock in space greatly reduced by changing the distribution of the mass of Earth, moving the earth's axis in 8 inches affecting your rotation and affect the length of days, reducing these in 1.26microseconds.
These data remind us how insignificant we are and we all traveled together through the universe, aboard this planet.

Meteorological Data date: 28.02.10 WINE GRAPE ARAR Home

Air Temperature: MAX: 14.9 º C Min: 5.7 ° C
Relative Humidity:48%
Accumulated Precipitation: 0.0 liters / M2
Solar Radiation:180 W/m2

martes, 23 de febrero de 2010



Las diferencias surgen porque existen 860 millones de litros almacenados entre todas las bodegas al cierre de 2009.

El Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Calificada Rioja intenta llegar a un acuerdo para modificar el reglamento, reduciendo los rendimientos amparados y con ello el stock.

La cifra de vino en bodega de 2010 es la mayor de la los últimos veinte años, debido a la crisis, por ello, se tiene que llegar a un equilibrio entre producción y ventas. Se están barajando dos posibles medidas:

- La rebaja de la producción amparada por la D.O.C. de uva del 100 al 90% (de 6.500 kilos por hectárea tinta a 5.850 kilos), mediante técnicas de vendimia en verde.

- Un menor rendimiento de transformación de uva-vino, que pasaría del 70 al 67%, evitando prensados excesivos.

Ambas medidas combinadas supondrían eliminar de la producción acogida por Rioja unos 40 millones de litros y rebajarla a unos 240 (el año pasado se ampararon 278 millones de litros). Para que tuvieran mayor efectividad se debería de aplicar en varias vendimias, y aquí es donde reside las mayores diferencias y dificultades para conseguir el equilibrio justo entre el mantenimiento de las rentas de los viticultores y el beneficio de las bodegas.



The differences arise because there are 860 million gallons stored at all the wineries at the end of 2009.
The Regulatory Board of Denomination of Origin Rioja try to reach an agreement to amend the regulation, reducing yields and thus covered the stock.

The figure for 2010 wine cellar is the largest in the last twenty years due to the crisis, therefore, has to strike a balance between production and sales. Being discussed two possible actions:
The reduction of production covered by the DOC of grapes from 100 to 90% (of 6,500 kilos per hectare ink to 5.850 kilos), through green harvesting techniques.

A lower yield of grape-wine processing to widen from 70 to 67%, avoiding excessive pressed.
Both measures combined would result in elimination of production Rioja welcomed by some 40 million gallons and reduce it to about 240 (last year were housed 278 million liters). To have more effective should be applied in several vintages, and this is where the major differences and difficulties in achieving the right balance between maintaining the income of the winemakers and the benefit of the wineries.

Meteorological Data date: 23.02.10 WINE GRAPE ARAR Home

Air Temperature: MAX: 14.1 º C Min: 6.3 ° C
Relative Humidity: 57%
Accumulated Precipitation: 0.0 liters / M2
Solar Radiation: 96 W/m2

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010



Continuing the commitment of Dissemination of the Culture ofWine, on Tuesday 16 Carlos and Daniel II, invited by Prof. Andres Moreno, gave a talk at the IES La Laboral de Lardero - La Rioja - Spain - Europe, for students Oenology course, in addition to their training. At the same students passed their experiences Vineyards Bodegas Arranz-Argote andwhat were their origins, their philosophy of wine, how to overcome many obstacles created by the government to create this small winery.

They explained the steps taken to create the Mark ARAR, the choice of the bottle, Logo design ...., even as the work done in the vineyard and the winery. Also talk about the work of marketing and ended up highlighting, in the globalized world in which we live, the importance of betting on the New CommunicationTechnologies: Web, Blog and Newsletter.

The students were actively participating in the chat with your questions. We hope that the experiences shared by Charles and Daniel II may serve them for their professional futures.

Air Temperature: MAX: 7.8 ° C Min: 1.8 º C
Relative Humidity: 70%
Accumulated Precipitation: 1.2 liters / M2
Solar Radiation: 78 W/m2

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010



I attached a link to The Hot Mess Blog Corner ( where they had the detail, which we greatly appreciate, to echo our cosmetic line of vinotherapy ARAR which we are already marketing the second "add".

The Hot Mess Corner ( is a young blog with great success in the network, nearly 28,500 visitors since September 23 last year. As defined by their authors "a space to talk about fashion, beauty, design, and why not, to gourmet cuisine. A place to have fun room, building or dreams ... a blog to share with you a taste for the beautiful. "

Meteorological Data date: 15.02.10 WINE GRAPE ARAR Home

Air Temperature: MAX: 3.2 ° C Min: - 2.4 º C
Relative Humidity: 73%
Accumulated Precipitation: 0.0 liters / M2
Solar Radiation: 103 W/m2

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010



This old vine wine grape ARAR loves freedom and hates both physical and mental walls, so last November 9, 2009 commemorates the fall of the Berlin Wall ( / strain-plow-se-sum-of-celebration-of-20.html) and I am delighted today to celebrate, interestingly also the 20th anniversary of the fall of another great wall of apartheid.

As I said, today marks 20 years since Nelson Mandela, who later became the first black president of South Africa elected by vote in 1994, was released after 27 years in prison for his fight against racism (apartheid).

Mandela, the prisoner number 466/64, became a symbol of freedom, a legendary figure who represented the lack of freedom for all black South African men, and by extension all human @ s oppressed of the world.

Mandela did not seek revenge. The leader, born 18 July 1918, had just spent 18 of his 27 years of detention in high security prison on Robben Island, a wind-swept island off Cape Town. Many people, if any, would have sought revenge and would have been involved in a reverse racism, however, chose the path of forgiveness and democracy, so in 1993 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

If you want to know a little but a small part of this story, now you on the excellent movie theaters Invictus. And they say those of the SGAE (General Society of Spanish Authors) that Internet users are no more than criminal suspects, comes to hair Castilian apply the old adage "the thief thinks that everyone is on his condition."

Meteorological Data date: 11.02.10 WINE GRAPE ARAR Home

Air Temperature: MAX: 1.3 ° C Min: - 1.8 º C
Relative Humidity: 82%
Accumulated Precipitation: 0.0 liters / M2
Solar Radiation: 73 W/m2

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010



Buying wine in catering to the national level decreased by 5.5% in value and 1.6% in volume during the third quarter of 2009, according to data of the Spanish Observatory Wine Market. The rates are accompanied by the decrease in average prices, which fell almost 4%.

By type of wine, those with no name became cheaper by 11%, bringing its consumption dropped only 3.9% in the quarter, while wines with DO fall 11% and their prices only 2.5%.This strain, regrets these data confirm that continuous drip sales drop caused by the crisis that surrounds us, which is not an outlet nearby, at least nationally.

Meteorological Data date: 08.02.10 WINE GRAPE ARAR Home

Air Temperature: MAX: 7.7 ° C Min: 3.7 ° C
Relative Humidity: 89%
Accumulated Precipitation: 5.5 L / M2
Solar Radiation: 25 W/m2

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010



These are the climatic data of January 2010, concerning the parameters of humidity, rainfall and temperatures (maximum and minimum) of where I live.

Meteorological Data date: 03.02.10 WINE GRAPE ARAR Home

Air Temperature: MAX: 9.1 ° C Min: -3.0 ° C
Relative Humidity: 78%
Accumulated Precipitation: 0.1 L / M2
Solar Radiation: 133 W/m2

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010

WORKERS OF SPAIN, to retire at age 67


The wine grape ARAR pronounced dead set against in relation to the Government's proposal to progressively increase (two months per year from 2013) until retirement age reaches 67 years (in 2025) and time will tell if the real goal is not reached until age 70.

As you know I'ma octogenarian strain of Tempranillo, at this age my contemporary production with my sisters is a third of the 6,500 kg per hectare permitted by the Regulatory Council of Qualified Designation of Origin (DOC) Rioja. From this biological perspective to humans, and more in certain jobs, I feel the same, with low performance age.

Another opposing argument is from the standpoint of the Rights of Workers. After many years of struggles, were obtained a number of rights, the 40-hour week, holidays, retirement age at 65 years, as some examples of these. Well, now this government intends to be loaded at a stroke and by surprise, one of those rights. With the pretext of guaranteeing future pension intend to work more years and also the final pension is charged less than the current model, also increasing the computation of years for calculating the pension.

The wine grape ARAR thinks is the biggest attack in recent years to our social model, with the aggravating circumstance that a government measure which is defined as the Left and has once again betrayed and lied to the social segment which claims to represent. I expect a tough response from unions, are already taking too long, or end it true that the economic dependence of government subsidies, closed mouths, or rather that with a mouthful you can not scream.

I wonder but will now work better than the over 4 million people are unemployed (18.8% of the total workforce and 40% of young) rather than having the fate of work are required to extend their retirement age, at least 2 years in 20 years.

Meteorological Data date: 01.02.10 WINE GRAPE ARAR Home

Temperature: MAX: 8.3 ° C Min: 0.7 ° C
Relative Humidity: 74%
Accumulated Precipitation: 0.8 L / M2
Solar Radiation: 142 W/m2