lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

WINE GRAPE ARAR SHARES the view of Arturo Perez Reverte in his article on the political caste

A few months ago Perez Reverte published an article on the political caste entitled "That scum" that in view of current events has not lost one iota of freshness. In that column I reproduce in full, the author spares no adjectives to show the true face of Deputies, riffraff who enjoys a sort of privileges that do not correspond with their personal or professional merit, in many cases, which involve, in addition , a contempt for their fellow citizens.

"Step often for the Carrera de San Jerónimo, walking along the sidewalk opposite the Parliament, and sometimes I agree with the output of Members of Congress. There are official cars with their drivers and bodyguards, putting the finishing canutazos journalists at the gate , and a crowd of individuals of both sexes, and Slick encorbatados them they departed the premises with the air that you can imagine. It identifies almost none, and barely see the television news, but the bird is known for the dump.

Van strutting serious, important, sure of their role in the destiny of Spain, road car or restaurant where they will continue tracing the outlines of national policy and peripheral. Do not just go and how arrogant TV star, dresses as, expensive shoes and hit the nouveau riche ways.

Opportunistic upstarts that every morning they look in the mirror to see who are awake and celebrate their good fortune. Deputies, nothing less. Regardless, some high school. Neither have worked in his life. Unaware what is to sign up early at nine in the morning, or search curro outside the protection of the political party who joined from youngsters wisely. Without fear of unemployment queue. Without scruple and without shame. And each time, when I run into this insulting parade, with the absurd spectacle of arrogance, I experience an intense dislike; intimate discomfort, indignation and contempt fact. It is a reflective act, as I say. Only visceral. Devoid of reason. An outbreak of cholera interior. The desire to approach any of them and Cisco bitches.

I know this is excessive. There is always righteous in Sodom. Honest people. Political decent whose existence is necessary. Do not say no. But today I speak of feelings, not reasons. Pulse. I do not choose how I feel. How I miss the automatic. Something must happen, however, when a citizen of 57 years and proper use of his mental faculties, life settled, right culture, average intelligence and reasonable and broad knowledge of the world, he climbs into the belfry while the powder attending the parade of deputies leaving the Spanish Cortes. When nausea and anger are so intense. This worries me, of course. I still walk down Carrera de San Jeronimo, and wonder what is happening. To what extent the years, the life I led in the past, the books I've read, the current scene, things would make me look so sinister. So aggressive and pessimistic. Why do I see when I look just scum, despite knowing that among them are people who are perfectly honorable. Why, to admire and respect those who occupied those same seats for twenty or thirty years I have come to despise in this way to his successors kings mediocre. Why a few dozen illiterates irresponsible and full of themselves, regardless of party or ideology can embitter in an instant, thus the evening, the day the country and life.

Maybe because I know them, he concluded. No one by one, of course, but the troops. The general caste. I've seen for years, here and abroad. I was in the forests of wooden crosses in dead ends where they are their irresponsibility, their corruptions, their ambitions. Its atrocious ignorance and lack of scruples. I know the consequences. And I know how they do now, adjusting to your time and your time. Anyone knows to be fixed. Read and watch. Someday, if my head is cold enough, I will detail to you how it is mounted. How and where to eat and whose expense. Is the distribution of allowances, privileges and official cars. How to organize themselves in committees and institutional visits that nobody give a shit, shameless and pointless tour paid by taxpayers. How were bustling about-there are no ideological differences-the privilege of receiving the highest state retirement pension after only 7 years on the bench, compared with 35 of honest work that requires a citizen. How ministers who will arrive at retirement, pensions solid work compatible with any public or private annuities when they reach retirement age, and monthly allowances of 100% of their salary upon leaving office, charged full and without queue in windows, from day one.

Anyway, enough for today. And just this page. I wanted to put the squid, that's all. In giving unburden the key, and that's what I did. Another day I will be more consistent. More reasonable and objective. Maybe. Now, at least, while walking along the Carrera de San Jeronimo, some will know what I have in mind when I meet with them. "

Meteorological Data date: 15.03.10 WINE GRAPE ARAR Home

Air Temperature: MAX: 15.9 ° C Min: 3.1 ° C
Relative Humidity: 51 %
Accumulated Precipitation: 0.0 L / M2
Solar Radiation: 233 W/m2

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010


Beatriz de Olite - Navarra - Spain echoed in his interesting blog the second vintage of our ARAR'09 Winetherapy Cosmetics Line.

Thanks Beatriz

Meteorological Data date: 11.03.10 WINE GRAPE ARAR Home

Air Temperature: MAX: 2.7 ° C Min: - 0.3 ° C
Relative Humidity: 75 %
Accumulated Precipitation: 0.1 L / M2
Solar Radiation: 48 W/m2

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010


For three days (from 5 to 7 March) was held in Logroño - La Rioja's first knockout round of the Davis Cup that has pitted Spain and Switzerland will finally triumph with Spain has made its move to the next round .

The important thing is that through this event over the weekend has been placed on the map to La Rioja, with cover and focus of the news written and audio visual sports, both nationally and internationally.

Since strain ARAR applaud the efforts, once aimed at the same address, who have made the institutions (Community, City Council and Regulatory Board of Denomination of Origin Rioja), with which we have been so critical in the past, to bring this event to our land, which has been linked wisely Wine World to the World of Tennis at the highest level.

Furthermore, it must be noted that after Germany and England, Switzerland is the third market for the sale of wines from Rioja. Where per capita consumption is 46 liters of wine per capita per year, and 50% of the adult population is consuming wine. Rioja Denomination of Origin is the Spanish with greater consumer awareness Swiss with 37% and where the rest of Spanish wines on the whole do not exceed 8%.

Wine pairing and Tennis, or rather Rioja Wine and DavisCup, yes sir, it was a great idea.

Meteorological Data date: 07.03.10 WINE GRAPE ARAR Home

Air Temperature: MAX: 8.6 ° C Min: - 1.1 ° C
Relative Humidity: 56 %
Accumulated Precipitation: 0.0 L / M2
Solar Radiation: 113 W/m2

jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010


The almond bloom has begun in the Rioja Alta, where I live. The colors white and pink petals of almond buds, contrasting with the browns and dark greens of the mountains that surround me. In the background you can see the Sierra de la Demanda with their snowy peaks.

The "rising temperatures" has encouraged a process that will be widespread throughout the month of March. I leave some photos this afternoon with the first flowers have opened.

Although the coming days is expected a significant drop in temperatures, the flowers hold up to several degrees below zero, but once fallen petals is when the real danger starts as a simple pink can damage the entire crop of almonds.

Meteorological Data date: 04.03.10 WINE GRAPE ARAR Home

Air Temperature: MAX: 10.9 ° C Min: 5.9 ° C
Relative Humidity: 72 %
Accumulated Precipitation: 0.0 L / M2
Solar Radiation: 123 W/m2

martes, 2 de marzo de 2010





These are the climatic data of February 2010, concerning the parameters of humidity, rainfall and temperatures (maximum and minimum) of where I live.
Meteorological Data date: 02.03.10 WINE GRAPE ARAR Home

Air Temperature: MAX: 14.5 ° C Min: 0.4 ° C
Relative Humidity: 65 %
Accumulated Precipitation: 0.0 L / M2
Solar Radiation: 155 W/m2